Chapter 642: Capturing Bishui City

The next day at noon, Yang Jing led his people to attack Bishui City. The pigeon message from Jue Ming barely arrived when Yang Jing already started his attack, almost in sync with the delivery of the message.

Luo Hai complained, "Damn Jue Ming, couldn't he have sent the message a night earlier, so we could have prepared? What good is it coming now, without giving us a slight chance to prepare?" Jue Ming originally didn't know that Bishui City would be attacked. He didn't attend the meeting and only learned about it later from others.

Ming Bei, however, knew the reason. Jue Ming had been neglected, often informed late about critical matters. Presumably, he only found out this morning, so not long after the pigeon message arrived, Yang Jing had already set off for his attack.

"Yang Jing has never moved so fast before," commented Luo Hai.

"That sissy Shi Mu advised him," said Ming Bei. "He persuaded Yang Jing last night."

"Damn it, this Shi Mu, we need to get rid of him first."