Chapter 693: Trapped

The sky had already darkened.

Tomorrow, Guo Mingyu is going to leave with people from Demon Palace and Immortal City. He came to bid farewell to the Clan Chief.

Guo Mingyu said, "Clan Chief, you must inform me about any situations."

"Hmm, perhaps what Su Zhanze said is right. We have been scared by the Longhun. We can't miss another good opportunity," said Xuan Qian.

Guo Mingyu also nodded, thinking it made some sense.

"The Longhun must leave, otherwise, there will be no peace," Xuan Qian said.

"Hmm, I think Demon Valley should be rebuilt well and see if we can build a better defense system."

"Hmm, you are right. Our original system was built over many years."