Chapter 694: Siege

Slaughter Saint met Longhun and said, "Guo Mingyu will be here tomorrow."

Longhun's eyes stared at a crisscross rift zone on the map. The area was connected to roads in all directions; although the roads were challenging to walk on, it was indeed a good place for entanglement. It would be easy to escape and should allow them to stall for a few days. He said, "We will enter this zone."

Slaughter Saint glanced at it and responded, "This area, with dense forests and intersecting ditches, is not an ideal place for an ambush, but it's difficult to traverse."

"Heh, if it's hard for us to tread, it's the same for them. Since it's challenging for both parties, let's trouble everyone together." Longhun calculated the time, assuming that Mitra Monk was almost ready.

Slaughter Saint agreed with Longhun's decision and said, "Then, young master should leave while I lead our men there."

"Absolutely not, how can I be absent at this time?"