Chapter 732: Damn Monkey

Shen Shang said, "Isn't that right? We haven't violated any orders, and Sha Ying can't blame us. We're making choices for ourselves, we're playing within our limits."

Sha Ying, known as the Demon, is the most powerful demon of Kunlun Mountain. He is tasked with guarding the fourth ring, preventing outsiders from entering, and it's necessary for the Demon God and the rest to obey Sha Ying.

Shen Shang had long lost patience, tired of the constant presence of the two women. "Chance like this doesn't come often," he said. "If we miss it this time, who knows when we'll get another? We can't miss such a great opportunity."

Upon hearing this, the Demon God replied, "Since our third brother insists, let's go along. Our target is to capture women, the more, the better."

"Exactly. The more women, the better. Waiting for so many years has nearly killed me with loneliness. I'd rather not be stuck with that old crone anymore," Shen Shang complained.