Chapter 731: Demon God

Over these past two days, I heard quite a bit about the Demon God and Yue Xin. Since it's possible to encounter the Demon God upon entering the second ring, I can't go unprepared, otherwise, I'll be completely at a loss when the time comes.

But when Yun'er heard Ye Chen ask whether Yue Xin had a daughter, she really wanted to punch him and exclaimed, "You'll eventually find death at the hands of a woman."

"Wouldn't happen to be you, would it?" Ye Chen asked curiously.

"You must be planning to steal both the mother and daughter."

"That's worth considering. Mother and daughter together surely would make for harmonious cohabitation."

Guo Yuyun heard him and gave a cold laugh, crying out," If the Demon God finds out, he might just eat you up."

"You're kidding, right? He isn't a cannibal."

"Not even sparing a mother and daughter."

"I was just wondering, if we send you over, could we pass through more smoothly?"

"How about we send you instead?"