Chapter 1: School Disaster_3

Panic immediately broke out in the crowd. Some people instinctively tried to escape to a higher floor, while others, completely terrified, jumped down without even considering how high up they were.

"Quick, everyone return to the classroom—" Suddenly, a woman's voice, hoarse and desperate, called out.

A chill shot through Su Yu's heart. He saw that it was a female student clad in a dress and glasses who had shouted the warning. He recognized her as Lei Rui, the head of his class.

Everyone was in chaos, but upon hearing Lei Rui's shout, they quickly came to their senses and rushed back to their classroom. Su Yu also sped back in. Without any prompting, everyone scrambled to lock the windows and doors.

"Quick, move the desks to block the door."

Although Lei Rui appeared refined, in this crucial moment, she demonstrated remarkable leadership abilities.

Su Yu and several male students began moving the desks to block the door. Most of those who had returned were his classmates, with a few from other classes. Clearing a glance around the class, Su Yu noted that Su Yun and Ning Yan were present, but Zhang Zhongmou, his close friend, was not.

In the blink of an eye, the third-floor corridor outside had been emptied. Some, like Su Yu, had retreated to their classrooms, others had fled to higher floors, and some impulsively jumped down the building, likely because the lower floors offered more escape options than being trapped inside.

Su Yu and several male students pushed a few desks against the front door. The horrific screaming from outside was drawing nearer, and the fear was palpable in the faces of these youths. For the first time, they felt the chilling proximity of death.

Some girls huddled together, whispering sobs. Their legs had given out from fear, and they couldn't even stand.

"Su...Su Yu, are we going to die?" Suddenly, Su Yu felt someone tugging at the hem of his clothes.

He turned around, and it was Su Yun.

Normally, Su Yu and Su Yun would quarrel whenever they met, but in the current situation, there was no place for petty disagreements.

Observing the fear in Su Yun's eyes for the first time, Su Yu inexplicably had a jolt of emotion. He turned away and muttered with a dry voice, "I don't know... With all of us here, we... we'll be fine..."

But his reassurance was cut off by a loud thud against the door, as though hit by some enormous creature. Su Yu and the four or five male classmates almost got knocked over together with the desks they were leaning against.

"Quick! Keep it shut!" Class head Lei Rui shrieked, rushing forward to help.

Su Yu felt pressure against his back. It was Lei Rui pushing with all her might against him to keep the door shut.

The rather intimate gesture was completely out of mind in their dire circumstances. Su Yu bit down and pushed against the door with grim determination. Suddenly, he swung his head around and yelled, "Bad news—"

With a crisp 'crack,' a wooden stick smashed against the window, shattering the glass into countless pieces.

A creature, its body covered in green skin and its face fierce like a demon from folklore, appeared before the window.

Now at close quarters, the ghastly expression on the green creature's face was even more terrifying, sending shivers down the spines of those who looked at it.

"Why is it just going after us? There are students in other classes too!" One girl, tormented by fear, suddenly screamed out in hysteria.

"I don't want to die, I don't want my head smashed!" Another despaired. Seeing the green creature persistently ramming the window with its stick, soon ready to crawl through, she, in a fit of panic, opened another window and tried to jump out.

The other side led not to a hallway but free fall. The classroom they were in was located on the third floor.

The moment she jumped, Su Yu could clearly hear the blood-curdling scream that followed.

"Monster!" one boy suddenly roared, picking up a desk and hurling it toward the window.

The creature had just poked half of its head into the window when it was hit by the flying desk.

Their low-ranking university's poor facilities ironically came in handy. The desks and chairs weren't bolted down, proving useful as weapons.

Turning his head, Su Yu recognized the boy who had thrown the desk. His name was Qin Jiagui, the class's sports committee member, who was notably good at basketball. A tall, handsome fellow, he had quite a fanbase at the school.

His girlfriend was the most beautiful girl in the neighboring class of the Computer Science department.

Qin Jiagui had once pursued Ning Yan, but failing that, he ended up successfully wooing the class beauty. The two were now living together, which had once aroused envy among several male students, including Su Yu.

Being the sports committee member, Qin Jiagui was physically strong, able to throw even a desk. Unfortunately, the creature had withdrawn its head just in time, and the desk failed to land a direct hit.

Observing what was happening, Su Yu had a brainwave. He quickly grabbed a chair and shouted, "Use chairs."

Qin Jiagui followed the advice, lifting a chair, ready to strike when the monster pokes its head in again.

The green creature was small enough to climb through the divided window, but each time it tried to stick its head through, it was hit by a chair held by Qin Jiagui. After three unsuccessful attempts, it backed off.

Seeing Qin Jiagui hold the line, everyone regained their spirits, and the rest of the boys also picked up chairs.

The green creature failed to enter after its third attempt and the last hit had even cracked its skin, causing greenish blood to seep out.

It seemed angered by the series of attacks, backing off a few steps before letting out a sharp howl. Then, it remained outside the window, glaring ominously at everyone inside through the window bars.

"What is it doing? Why isn't it moving?" a bewildered and still terrified girl asked Qin Jiagui on the side.

Qin Jiagui shook his head, no wiser than she was.

Su Yu was deep in thought for a moment before his face turned pale, and he blurted out, "It's calling for help, this is bad—"

Before he could finish his sentence, they heard several sharp shrieks from outside, reminiscent of ferocious beasts, followed by deafening thuds against the classroom door.

The green creatures had extraordinary strength, and their rhythmic, thunderous pounding caused the door to shake violently. Everyone in the room was terrified— if the creatures were to break in, they'd all perish.

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