Chapter 2: Evolution of Special Powers

"Quick, block the door!" Lei Rui screamed, being the first one to rush up.

Soon, everyone surged up, blocking the two doors tightly.

Aside from the two doors that were being pounded on, the crowd saw two more monsters outside the corridor. Coupled with the previous one that had broken the skin, there were three monsters in total, all trying to smash the windows, break the glass, and crawl in.

"Each person guard a window!" Qin Jiagui called out, gripping his chair tightly. As soon as the green-skinned monster tried to squeeze in, he would slam against it.

Su Yu was also holding a chair to guard a window. After two blows, he felt a tingling sensation in his hands. Looking over at Qin Jiagui and another boy, they were all sweating profusely. They wouldn't last much longer.

The two doors were also being pounded to the point where they were shaking continuously, and thin cracks started to appear. The situation became increasingly perilous.

"We can't hold on any longer, there are five monsters outside, we're done, we're all done..." Su Yu murmured to himself. Out of the dozens of green-skinned monsters that had rushed in, five of them were heading towards their classroom. He didn't know whether to consider this an honor or a death sentence.

Watching the green-skinned monster just stick half its head in and then retreat each time he slammed it, Su Yu suddenly had a crazy idea and took a step back.

The green monster smashed its giant club heavily against the iron window, distorting it slightly, and once again tried to squeeze in through one of the iron bars.

This time, Su Yu didn't hit it again, instead leaning to the side as if resting.

Soon enough, the green monster's head was fully squeezed through.

"Su Yu--" Qin Jiagui turned his head in surprise and shouted, "Quick, hit it, it's crawling in."

"It's okay." Su Yu took a few breaths, watching as the monster almost half squeezed in. The sight made Qin Jiagui's limbs go weak. If this incredibly strong monster got in, they were all done for.

Taking a deep breath, Qin Jiagui turned to help Su Yu hit the monster just climbing in. Suddenly, Su Yu grinned and said: "Now's the time."

His hands gripped the chair tightly, using all his strength to heavily slam the monster and the iron window that was halfway through.

With a loud "rumbling" noise, Su Yu's hands went numb, and he vaguely felt there might be a split in his palm. But he didn't care, in a battle of life and death, Su Yu crazily hammered at the monster.

Qin Jiagui was suddenly taken aback, then a light bulb went on.

Before, when the monster stuck its head in just a bit, they rushed to hit it for fear, wasting strength pointlessly and causing no harm to the beast. Su Yu waited for it to squeeze in halfway before slamming it. The monster's body was just a bit smaller than the iron bars. With this blow, it just to be stuck in the bars of the window, unable to move, stuck there for them to pound.

Su Yu, like a madman, kept hitting the monster. Green juice splattered, and a terrifying scream came from the monster's mouth. Its club also fell down.

Even though it was incredibly strong, its body was still flesh and blood and was being hammered relentlessly by Su Yu brandishing the chair. It quickly grew weak and collapsed softly within the iron window, losing the strength to struggle.

"Die, monster--"

Exhausted and seemingly drained, Su Yu delivered one last blow with the chair. There was a crisp "crack," and the chair shattered. The monster's head also burst open.

Then, Su Yu saw a shiny, dark, crystal-like object emerge from the monster's burst-open head.

As soon as it emerged, it swiftly flew into Su Yu's left palm, which was the closest to it, then miraculously merged into the palm and disappeared.

Su Yu witnessed all of this, startled, and involuntarily stepped back. Looking at his left hand, there was nothing. Could it have been a hallucination?

When he looked up, he saw that Qin Jiagui, having picked up on his hint, waited for the green-skinned monster to squeeze half its body in before pounding it.

Unexpectedly, this green-skinned monster let go of its club, grabbed the iron window with both hands, and while bracing itself against Qin Jiagui's pounding, managed to push its way into the classroom through the bars.

It was at this moment that Su Yu realized he hadn't cleverly killed the green-skinned monster earlier with his wisdom. The monster had simply been unlucky. The iron window had already been distorted slightly from its relentless pounding, so after its upper body had squeezed through, its lower body got stuck and it couldn't move. That's how Su Yu managed to get the upper hand without even realizing it.

A green-skinned monster suddenly burst in, eliciting a loud outcry from the entire classroom. A few female students huddled together, shaking with fear, couldn't control their bladders.

Fear made Qin Jiagui stumble backward and fall to the ground.

The green-skinned monster seemed especially hostile towards Qin Jiagui. Without even picking up the wooden stick on the ground, it extended its claws towards Qin Jiagui's face and chest.

With the monster's terrifying power, a single swipe could reduce Qin Jiagui's head to a pulp, or rupture his abdomen.

At that moment, Su Yu had just killed another green-skinned monster. Turning his head and seeing Qin Jiagui in danger, without thinking twice, he picked up a chair and threw it.

The instant he threw the chair, Su Yu strangely felt something was off with his body.

He had just endured an intense barrage of attacks and should've been drained of energy, too exhausted to even raise a finger. But in this moment of crisis, he had effortlessly managed to throw a chair.

Yet the most shocking part was the speed and power of the thrown chair, surpassing all expectations.

"This…" Su Yu was taken aback. He looked at his hand and realized the power he had used was not his own. It had come from his left hand, a power that he wasn't originally capable of.

While turning his hand, he clearly saw a black, scale-like growth, about half the size of a fingernail, mysteriously appeared on the back of his left hand.

With a loud "bang", the chair he threw hit the green-skinned monster that was attacking Qin Jiagui, knocking it away.

The chair shattered and green fluid splattered everywhere. The green-skinned monster let out a screech as it was thrown aside.

In that instant, Su Yu remembered the tiny black crystal that had emerged from the head of the green monster he had just killed. It flew into his left palm and disappeared.

Could all this be related to that crystal?

Without thinking, Su Yu opened his left hand. The strange power evaporated and the small black scale on the back of his hand disappeared. His left hand returned to normal, his limbs weakened, feeling like he was drained of energy.

Despite the surrealness of what had transpired, the green-skinned monster was undoubtedly real. After being tossed aside, it got up, its mouth gave a hoarse howl, and its eyes stared at Su Yu with deep-seated hatred. It picked up the wooden stick that it had dropped and charged at Su Yu.

His heart tightened, Su Yu quickly reached out with his left hand again and lifted a wooden table.

The special power in his left arm revealed itself again, causing the table to fly. The green monster's blow landed on the table with a "crack", breaking it to pieces.

Feeling a sudden intense pain in his abdomen, Su Yu shouted in pain and fell to the ground.

The classroom was in tatters. Lei Rui and others were blocking the door while some women huddled together, crying hysterically. Two men stood in front of a window, madly rushing to keep a green-skinned monster outside. Qin Jiagui laid on the ground, while another green-skinned monster, wielding a wooden stick, was rushing towards the fallen Su Yu.

"Su Yu–" All of a sudden, the terrified Su Yun screamed and charged forward. Her face was covered in tears. Among the girls present, most were crying out of fear.

Although Su Yun was frightened, seeing Su Yu's life at risk made her lose all reason and she rushed towards the monster.

Lying on the ground, Su Yu felt an intense pain in his abdomen. He touched it and it was covered in blood. He realized the table the monster had broken had sent a fragment hurtling into his torso.

"Am I going to die?" Su Yu struggled with the peculiar thought as he laid on the floor, seeing the green monster rushing towards him, swinging its immense stick down.

Then, he saw a tear-stricken Su Yun, acting like a madwoman, rushing at the monster.

"No… Don't–" Su Yu watched as the green-skinned monster swung its other hand at Su Yun, who was charging at it recklessly. This blow could tear open Su Yun's chest.

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