Chapter 5: Advanced Team

Turning his head around, Su Yu stared at Zhang Zhongmou, a few words slipping through his clenched teeth: "Is that true?"

Zhang Zhongmou nodded, a strange and fearful expression in his eyes.

With a sigh, Su Yu laid back down. At that moment, he felt as if his head would explode. Everything that happened that day was too shocking and unimaginable. The most surprising of all was how the surroundings of the school had changed. It was no longer the world they were familiar with, as if they had arrived in some bizarre world they had never seen before.

After lying down for a while, the door was pushed open, and several people walked in, among them were Lei Rui, the head girl, and Su Yun from their class.

The two were holding lunch boxes and walked over to Su Yu and Zhang Zhongmou's beds.

"I'm starving, is it night outside already?" Zhang Zhongmou said, sitting up on his bed.

Su Yu, even though he could move his left hand, couldn't move the rest of his body and had no choice but to rely on others to feed him.

"Su Yun, you do it." Lei Rui handed the task to Su Yun.

Su Yun's face turned red, she bit her lip, humphed, and sat aside, obviously reluctant.

Su Yu got angry, thinking about how he almost died to save her, and she was even unwilling to feed him. He grumbled: "I'm not hungry." Then turned his head away.

Su Yun was stunned. Lei Rui seemed to understand something. Taking the lunch box from Su Yun, she smiled: "I'll feed him. Su Yu, you should give the class leader a break. You're a hero of our class. If you starve, no one will forgive me. Everyone is saying they want to come to see you. I'm the one who stopped them, saying you needed rest."

Lei Rui was no longer putting on the airs of a class leader when facing Su Yu. Her smiling face looked both cute and friendly.

A smile appeared on Su Yu's face, "Suddenly, I'm feeling hungry again. I just realized how starved I've become". Soon he accepted a mouthful of food.

Seeing this, Su Yun was furious, she sulked and turned her back on them.

Lei Rui fed Su Yu a few mouthfuls, then her cheerful expression slowly faded away.

"What's the matter? Class leader." Su Yu, seeing her expression, asked curiously.

Lei Rui looked at the food in the box and sighed: "If no one comes to save us, in a couple of days, we won't even have food to eat… and this electricity…" She looked up at the lights in the room, her expression anxious.

Fortunately, the school had a generator, so the power hadn't been cut off yet.

Su Yu found this weird: "Even if the outside world has turned into a forest, wouldn't the school authorities have organised someone to go and survey the situation?"

"Outside…" Lei Rui shivered, then muttered: "There are green-skinned creatures everywhere, thankfully the high walls and iron gates of our school temporarily keep them out, but… we can't hold out much longer."

Su Yu felt a chill. Were the forests outside the school filled with those green creatures?

Looking around at everyone else in the room, all their faces were heavy and filled with worry. The vitality and liveliness of youth were nowhere to be found. A sense of despair and terror filled the room.

That night, everyone was under the spell of fear. From outside, you could hear various terrifying roars. Su Yu could tell that most of them were from those green-skinned creatures, but occasionally there were other roars that were even more terrifying, making your hair stand on end.

Lying on the bed, Su Yu could feel the weird power in his left arm flowing slowly and circulating throughout his body, as if it was altering his physique in waves, causing him to break out in cold sweat.

Su Yu's injuries were severe; three fingers broken, his right arm fractured, and a deep wound on his abdomen that was almost life-threatening. Such injuries could usually put a person bedridden for half a month.

But only after a night, it seemed like that special power had a unique effect, his injuries had significantly improved. Even though his right arm had not recovered completely due to the fractured bone, his abdominal wound had more or less healed, and he no longer felt it was an obstacle to move around.

This was his new discovery; not only did the special power increase the strength of his left hand to a terrifying extent, but it also had a miraculous effect of speeding up his body's recovery.

However, what was this special power, and what were the black scale-like patterns appearing on his left palm?

Su Yu couldn't figure it out, many things he was encountering now were beyond common sense.

Compared to him, Zhang Zhongmou's injuries were much lighter. Other than his head still wrapped in gauze, the rest were just minor scrapes and bruises. After a day's rest, he was much better.

At Su Yu's request, he helped Su Yu up and slowly walked out of the infirmary.

As soon as they stepped outside, they saw the gloomy sky and the densely packed towering trees in the distance.

Zhang Zhongmou hadn't lied to him, the surroundings of the school had indeed turned into a forest, an unfamiliar forest full of terrifying creatures.

Groups of male and female students with vacant looks could be seen all around. Given the magnitude of the event, classes had naturally been suspended. Although their university was considered third or fourth-rate, it still had nearly two thousand students, all of whom were now trapped here. Food and water quickly became a top concern.

Like Lei Rui said, if this situation didn't change soon, they would run out of food in less than two days.

The forest outside, brimming with green-skinned monsters, cruelly trapped them all in. If this carried on for just a few more days, they would die of starvation without a grave to be buried in. A sense of despair spread amongst everyone.

"We have to get out," Su Yu suddenly muttered to himself.

"Exactly!" Someone chimed in from behind.

Su Yu turned around to see the tall, snowy-skinned, round-faced counselor, Meng Bo, approaching.

"We can't just wait here to die. Are your injuries better? The school leaders want to see you," he said.

When Su Yu and Zhang Zhongmou arrived at the dining hall with Meng Bo, many people were already gathered there. The majority were men, and among them, Su Yu recognized his classmates Qin Jiagui and Ning Yan.

"Su Yu, Zhang Zhongmou," Qin Jiagui greeted the two, and they both nodded.

When Su Yu managed to spare a glance at Ning Yan, he noticed her standing off to one side with a calm demeanor, not looking around aimlessly.

He found it strange that everyone was standing in the dining hall. What was even more puzzling was that there were a large number of students gathered outside the dining hall's entrance, all of them peering inside but not entering.

"Everyone, please take a seat." Several middle-aged men standing at the head of the room gave the directive. Su Yu recognized the man leading the group as the school dean. The others were also school leaders.

Su Yu sat down in a chair with a puzzled expression, with Zhang Zhongmou at his side, and to his surprise, Qin Jiagui came over to sit with them as well.

Even though they were classmates, Su Yu and Zhang Zhongmou weren't very close with Qin Jiagui. They were surprised to see how warm he was being now. Everyone else also found seats.

"Do you know what's going on, Qin Jiagui?" Su Yu asked in a low voice.

Qin Jiagui clenched his right hand and said in a low voice, "Didn't Mr. Meng tell you? Those of us assembled here have an important mission."

Su Yu shook his head. The dean had already started speaking.

To Su Yu's surprise, the usually long-winded dean was brief and to the point, and Su Yu and Zhang Zhongmou quickly understood the situation.

It turned out everyone was gathered here to form a vanguard team to delve into the unknown forest. Ideally, they would contact the police or someone capable of rescuing them. Otherwise, the hope was to find food and other necessities.

Among those gathered, more than a dozen, like Su Yu, had killed a green-skinned monster and possessed a special power. But Su Yu, who had killed four, stood out among them, drawing the attention of many, including the dean who glanced at him repeatedly during his speech.

A total of seventeen green-skinned monsters had been killed. Su Yu killed four, a female foreign language student killed two, and the remaining eleven were killed by eleven different people. This meant there were thirteen people present with special powers.

The most surprising to Su Yu was the seemingly calm and delicate Yuyan, who had also killed a green-skinned monster, making her one of two female rescuers among the thirteen.

Of course, Su Yu knew that being able to kill a green-skinned monster amidst such chaos was heavily reliant on luck, like in his case and Qin Jiagui's.

Before absorbing the power, in terms of physical strength, Qin Jiagui was much stronger than he was. But luckily, a green-skinned monster got stuck in iron window bars, allowing him to kill it and gain the power. This allowed him to kill three more monsters afterwards.

Thinking about this, Su Yu felt somewhat better.

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