Chapter 6: The Squad of 31 People

After realizing killing monsters grants special powers, more gathered to join Su Yu's group of thirteen. Although these newcomers did not possess any powers, they were all robust. Among them were physical education teachers, school security guards, and sports team members. All in all, there were thirty people in total.

However, the only women in the group were Ning Yan and another girl from the foreign languages department who had killed two green-skinned monsters.

Su Yu quietly asked Qin Jiagui about this girl. Apparently, her name was Ma Ziye. She had a bit of a reputation in the foreign languages department due to her family owning a martial arts studio, suggesting that she had some martial arts training.

After the dean had finished speaking, the cafeteria staff served them a lavish meal.

Just as the phrase goes "an army marches on its stomach", they were about to head deep into the forest in search of food and signs of life, essentially risking their lives. As such, the school provided them with a hearty breakfast before their departure.

Meng Bo walked over to Su Yu, whispering, "How are you feeling? I reported to the dean that you were seriously injured and didn't include you, but when I saw you get up, I decided to bring you along. How are you holding up?"

Clearly, Su Yu's feat of killing four green-skinned monsters had deeply impressed the school authorities, who had high expectations from him despite his serious injury.

Su Yu moved his body slightly. Though he couldn't move his right hand yet, he felt fine elsewhere. He nodded, "Should be okay. My injury was severe yesterday, but I feel much better today. It seems... the benefit of killing that monster was not only increased strength, but also an extreme recovery capability. In my estimation, this injury should heal in a day or so."

Meng Bo let out a sigh of relief, showed a smile and nodded.

Having Su Yu, who had efficiently killed four monsters, in their team greatly bolstered Meng Bo's confidence.

Before setting out, each person was given a backpack filled with food and fresh water to last two or three days, some basic bandages, cotton balls, blood containment rods, flashlights, lighters, and small knives. The school requested them to return if they could find nothing in two days.

In fact, the food stored in the school would barely last two days. If Su Yu's team could not find additional food sources or a rescue team in two days, the school would have no choice but to abandon their current shelter and risk leaving.

All they could do was hope for the best from Su Yu's team searching the forest within these two days.

The school could only come up with this plan under the circumstances. If they had initially decided to abandon the temporarily safe school to venture into the forest, it was easy to imagine the considerable loss of lives it would lead to.

"I hope we can find rescuers within two days, and it'd be even better if we can get out of the forest," Zhang Zhongmou said while touching his bandaged face.

Just then, Su Yu found out that Zhang Zhongmou had also killed a green-skinned monster and that he was one of the thirteen people gifted with a special power.

The seventeen dead green-skinned monsters had left behind seventeen sturdy wooden clubs. These clubs, even harder than a solid iron bar and about a meter long, were terrifyingly powerful and could easily shatter a small chunk of rock.

Su Yu was given one of these wooden clubs as a weapon. Other weapons like security guard batons were also distributed among the team members. For those who didn't get one, baseball bats, iron pipes, kitchen knives and others were instead given. At least, they ensured everyone in their team of thirty had something to defend themselves with.

However, the wooden clubs of the green-skinned monsters were the most lethal of all the weapons. Given the urgency of time and the lack of better lethal weapons in the school, kitchen knives and such appeared ineffective due to their insufficient lengths, especially if they were to encounter the green-skinned monsters with the wooden clubs again.

Everyone was ready. Escorted by the peculiar gaze of awe and fear from a large group of male and female students, the team of over thirty people hurriedly headed to the school gate.

At that moment, the iron gate of the school was securely closed with people inside armed with various weapons, standing ready.

Outside the iron gate, several green-skinned monsters aimlessly roamed, occasionally howling at the people inside. The high gate stopped the monsters from crossing over after numerous attempts, and they abandoned any further attempts. However, they continued to linger around the gate, giving off a feeling of inexplicable despair and fear.

The dean, a few leaders, a group of teachers and a crowd of students all gathered at the iron gate to bid them farewell. Those roaming monsters outside, as if sensing something, instantly raised a sharp roar, waving their wooden clubs and started banging against the iron gate, making "bang bang" sounds. This caused everyone inside to exhibit a mixture of hatred and fear.

Class president Lei Rui and Su Yun were among those bidding farewell. Seeing Su Yun looking at him with words on the tip of her tongue but restraining herself, Su Yu couldn't help but say with a laugh, "Su Yun, it seems like you're quite concerned about me. If you have something to say, you better say it fast."

Snorting, Su Yun tried to hold back her words but couldn't, " careful and don't be reckless."

"Understood, don't worry. To be honest, Su Yun, we've known each other for so long, and this is the first time I've noticed you care so much about me."

Su Yun said, "I... Not really... Your mom asked me to take care of you. Who else would care whether you live or die? Anyway, for your mother, you better come back safe."

Then she lowered her voice, "There are many capable people out there, so don't recklessly try to show off. Actually, with your injuries, you shouldn't even be going. With so many people, we wouldn't be short of one. Maybe we could speak to Mr. Meng..."

Before Su Yun could continue, Su Yu stopped her by shaking his hand, his usual carefree demeanor replaced with an uncharacteristic seriousness. He glanced at Su Yun and said, "In fact, I'm more worried about you. Staying here doesn't necessarily guarantee safety. We only have two days... If we can't find a safe exit... If we can't find a rescue team..."

Su Yu suddenly stopped, because the implication was chilling.

"Anyway, just stay here quietly for a few days. I'll come back, okay? Got it, kiddo?" Su Yu finished, his face returning to its usual nonchalance.

"Deal, Su Yu. Remember, I won't let you break your promise." Su Yun said very seriously, her voice tinged with gritted determination.

Su Yu turned around with a laugh, and waved his left hand behind his head, "I got it, Su Yun. You're so naggy. Be careful or no man would dare to marry you."

Su Yun's face reddened again.

"Be careful." A soft voice sounded from one side.

Su Yu turned his gaze and saw Qin Jiagui and a pretty girl with big eyes, their hands tightly interlocked. The girl, with a worried look on her face, whispered to Qin Jiagui.

Su Yu recognized the girl with the big, beautiful eyes—Qin Jiagui's girlfriend. The belle of their Computer Science class, her name was Yuan Niping, if Su Yu remembered correctly.

Outside the massive iron door, six green-skinned monsters were gathered, ceaselessly wielding clubs at the door with "boom" after "boom". Fortunately, this iron door, forged from arm-thick iron beams, was very durable and not easily destroyed by brute force.

Looking at the human group behind the gate, the green monsters kept screeching with what seemed like excitement.

"Are you ready?" said a teacher nervously, gripping the handle on the smaller door built into the massive iron gate. The teacher was holding the key to the huge iron lock on this smaller door in his other hand, which was trembling incessantly.

The crowd grew silent and around a dozen of the special power possessors squeezed to the front. A student around 1.8 meters tall with a buzz cut stepped forward. Though around the same age as Su Yu, he appeared composed and calm beyond his years. "Teacher, give the key to me," he said.

The teacher nodded, passed the key to him, and then stepped back.

Once the iron door was opened, the green monsters would rush in. Unless these monsters were killed, there was no possible escape.

The buzz-cut student, armed with a club dropped by the monsters, took the key and with no hesitation, unlocked the door with a "click".

Following closely behind him were Qin Jiagui, Zhang Zhongmou, and an unknown student, then came Su Yu, Ning Yan, Ma Ziye, and others.

At the front were thirteen special power possessors, followed by a group of eighteen ordinary people made up of teachers, security guards, and other students. In total, there were thirty-one people in this task force.

The Dean, some school executives, Professors like Meng Bo, as well as a group of male and female students including Su Yun and Lei Rui, were all nervously watching the scene unfold.

During the first monster attack, everyone had simply fled. But now, they could barely stay calm as they watched a battle of life and death between humans and monsters, their emotions a tumultuous mix of tension, fear, and excitement.

The constant "boom", "boom" echo signified that the green monsters were still relentlessly battering the gate. The buzz-cut student rapidly unhooked the now-unlocked iron lock, pulled the door-handle, and swung the door open in one fluid motion.

With a light "bang", the small door within the giant iron gate was opened.

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