Chapter 7 Heading to the Forest

All of them instinctively felt their hearts tighten, even Su Yu, who had already killed four green-skinned monsters, was no exception. He couldn't help but grip the wooden stick tightly in his left hand, where three small black scales had appeared on the back of his hand.

Qin Jiagui gritted his teeth and grunted as he was the first to rush forward, followed by Zhang Zhongmou and a student who also possessed a special power next to him, and then Su Yu...

When the six green-skinned monsters saw the humans charging out, they stopped hammering the iron gate, tightened their grip on their wooden sticks, and rushed at Qin Jiagui, Zhang Zhongmou, and the others, swinging their sticks and making shrill cries.

With a loud bang, Qin Jiagui swung his stick with his right hand, beneath which black metallic spots emerged. His stick collided with that of a green monster, making them both growl and retreat.

Zhang Zhongmou roared and swung his stick. With a loud bang, his face changed drastically. His arms trembled violently, and his stick flew out of his hands. He stumbled and fell to the ground.

Following closely behind him, Su Yu was taken aback. Hadn't Zhang Zhongmou killed a green-skinned monster before? According to logic, his strength should not be weaker than the monster's, so why did he fall...

Without time to ponder further, as several green-skinned monsters rushed forward. Another student who was with Zhang Zhongmou was distracted by Zhang's fall. Although he possessed special powers and was able to block a stick swung by a green-skinned monster, he was hit in the chest by a stick swung by another monster.

He immediately spat out a bright stream of blood. Both the students and teachers inside the iron gate let out startled cries upon seeing this.

Furthermore, a girl crazily rushed forward, screaming, "Ye Xuan—"

Then, several people grabbed this girl. Someone called out, "Lin Xiao, don't be impulsive! Ye Xuan will be fine—". The scene suddenly became chaotic.

"Go— Don't be afraid—" Someone behind them yelled out.

Su Yu's right arm was immobilized. He hadn't initially thought to charge forward. In his estimation, six green-skinned monsters against the thirteen people who possessed special powers should have been easily managed. In fact, the majority of people shared his thought.

However, this was not the case. The speed of the green-skinned monsters was much higher than theirs. Furthermore, the gate by the side of the main gate was too small. One person could easily run out, but if two people tried to do it together, they could easily get stuck. Just as everyone was desperate to run out, this resulted in three people getting stuck together in the back and not being able to get through, delaying them for a few precious seconds.

It was these few seconds that made the difference. The people in the back couldn't catch up in time. Coupled with Zhang Zhongmou's fall and a student named Shi Xuan being hit in the chest and falling down, it suddenly became a situation in which only Qin Jiagui and Su Yu were left to face the six green-skinned monsters.


"Su Yu!"

Su Yu vaguely heard someone yelling from inside the iron gate. The situation suddenly turned dangerously critical. Su Yu growled and charged forward. Seeing a green-skinned monster about to swing its stick at the fallen Zhang Zhongmou, Su Yu didn't hesitate and swung his stick with all his force.

They have not received professional training and do not know many moves or striking techniques. They could only swing and strike as simply as they did. Luckily, these green-skinned monsters weren't very keen predators either, and they were just as clumsy.

As the level of both sides was more or less the same, this allowed Su Yu's terrifying special power to come into play.

Having absorbed four crystals from the green-skinned monsters, three black scales emerged on the back of his hand. Su Yu didn't know what these black scales were for, but all he knew was that the special power in his left arm was incredibly strong. He swung his stick down and managed to knock a green-skinned monster, who had been about to hurt Zhang Zhongmou, along with its stick violently off to the side.

With a loud bang, the green-skinned monster flew out, screaming and rolling. The people watching from afar let out startled cries as Su Yu charged into the group of monsters and swung his stick again.

This time his stick collided with a green-skinned monster's stick that was coming at him. However, the monster's stick couldn't block Su Yu's stick and was instead sent flying back to hit the monster's own head by Su Yu's terrifying power.

With a thump, the monster's brain splattered, and it fell onto the ground, shaking. Black crystals from inside its head turned into a black light and disappeared into Su Yu's right hand.

Qin Jiagui's muffled grunt echoed in the side. As Su Yu turned his head, he saw Qin Jiagui fall, then a sharp pain shot through his shoulder, causing him to scream out in pain. At just that moment's distraction, Su Yu's right shoulder got hit by a stick, causing flesh and blood to spurt out.

"Ah—" Su Yu screamed, and his stick flew out of his hand, crashing heavily onto the chest of the monster that had just hit him.

Immediately, the sound of breaking bone echoed in the air, the monster was pushed back over a dozen steps by the impact before it finally fell to the ground. A flash of black light emitted from its body, and another black crystal disappeared into Su Yu's left hand.

Although he had absorbed two crystals in rapid succession, the fourth scale had not yet appeared, and his special power hadn't increased much. It seemed that the more he killed, the lesser the increase in power.

Even though he had killed two green-skinned monsters consecutively, Su Yu was now surrounded. Three green-skinned monsters were encircling him, and he was unarmed.

"Su Yu——" From inside the iron gate, Su Yun ran, screaming. He grabbed the gatepost tightly. Everyone could see that Su Yu was in danger, likely about to lose his life. His right shoulder was heavily bleeding, soaking half of his body in red.

"Damn it——" Su Yu gritted his teeth, the special power in his left arm stirring. Instinctively, he swung his left arm, which was immediately hit by a wooden club. His arm ached as if it was broken, but unexpectedly, it managed to deflect the club despite the severe pain. His left arm was merely painful, not injured.

With a twist of his left arm, Su Yu ensnared the neck of the green-skinned monster. A terrifying amount of power surged through him and a "snap" echoed as the creature's neck was broken, blood gushing from its mouth.

Finally, other teachers and students with special powers also rushed to help, surrounding the remaining green-skinned monsters.

Several shrill screams and muffled grunts rang out. Among them, a student stumbled back with a groan, and another green-skinned monster was taken down.

After Su Yu pushed away the green-skinned monster whose neck he had snapped, the remaining monsters were also dealt with.

All of those who had joined this small team had exited the iron gate, including the eighteen ordinary people. The gory scene before them caused cold sweat to edge out on their hands.

All six green-skinned monsters were taken care of. However, the group had also lost one of their members, a student with special powers - Ye Xuan. There were melancholic wails around, with a girl called Lin Xiao sobbing uncontrollably over Ye Xuan's corpse. Clearly, she was his girlfriend.

A veil of sadness enveloped the area.

Su Yu's right shoulder was almost crushed to a pulp, Qin Jiagui's left arm was injured, and although Zhang Zhongmou had fallen, he was thankfully unharmed.

Despite his injury, Su Yu's performance again caught everyone's attention. He managed to single-handedly take down three green-skinned monsters. If it wasn't for Su Yu's brave actions, Qin Jiagui and Zhang Zhongmou, who were at the forefront, might've already been killed.

Looking at the fourth scale that had finally appeared on the back of his hand, Su Yu felt a strange sense of satisfaction.

Immediately after being injured and given a simple treatment, the thirty remaining people carried the last hope of more than a thousand schoolmates and stepped into the unknown forest, apart from the one student who had died.

The school's iron gate was locked tight again, awaiting their return in two days. Of the initial thirty-one in the group, one had already met an unfortunate end right after setting off. Among the remaining thirty, how many would survive to return after two days?

Everyone's expressions were downcast, their hearts as heavy as lead.

"Su Yu, please make sure to come back safely." Su Yun prayed in her heart, tightly gripping the iron gatepost whilst trying to catch a glimpse of Su Yu and the others leaving through the crack in the gate.


Though Su Yu's right shoulder had been simply bandaged, the severe pain made him constantly furrow his brow. Cold sweat started to appear on his face.

It was only due to the special power in his left arm, which was displaying an amazingly subtle effect. Not only did it accelerate his healing process, but it also alleviated his pain. Otherwise, Su Yu would've already passed out from the agony.

Once outside the school, there was nothing but dense forests as far as the eye could see. The only option was to choose a direction and keep moving forward, hoping either to exit the forest, meet another rescue team, or find some food at worst.

The more than a thousand people at the school required a staggering amount of food.

As Su Yu had injured his right shoulder, immobilizing his right arm, Zhang Zhongmou also carried Su Yu's backpack, following closely by his side.

Something popped into Su Yu's mind, and he asked in a low voice, "Zhongmou, didn't you kill a green-skinned monster too? You should've gained special powers as well. How come you couldn't match that monster's strength?"

Technically, after absorbing a black crystal from inside a green-skinned monster, one's strength should be on par with such a creature.

Zhang Zhongmou touched his face, half covered in bandages, and said somewhat oddly, "My... my special power... is here."

Su Yu was taken aback.

At the same moment, a "shhh" sound echoed around them. In the blink of an eye, the thirty-strong group had been surrounded.

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