Chapter 123 Senior Reader

Qin Jiagui slightly furrowed his brows, sighing quietly.

Li Dong looked at this group of newcomers, still ignorant about this world, and suddenly felt superior. He even found them amusing. "What would their expressions be if they bump into a monster? Haha..." He was filled with a sense of schadenfreude.

Although this lean middle-aged man's wife was critically ill at a hospital, Li Dong might have felt sympathy back in the days. But having witnessed countless deaths during the past ten days, including those of his friends and teachers, he no longer feels any sympathy.

Even he might die at any moment. Under such circumstances, who has the time to sympathize with others?

Zhao Shichang interjected: "Enough of the arguments. This is not the world you remember. It is filled with dangers and monsters. It is better to find some weapons for self-defense. It might increase our chance of survival."