Chapter 124 Giant Foot Suddenly Descends, People are Merely Ants

The group continued journeying forward, but it wasn't long before they heard a howl from behind. Startled, they all stopped to look back, only to see the bald driver, the thin middle-aged laborer, and the scruffy young man, among others, charging towards them like madmen, shouting as they ran, "Wait for us—wait—"

"Huh? They've all returned, didn't they run into a monster?" Zhao Shichang was curious. He noticed that behind them, one by one, more figures appeared. The twenty or so people who had taken off earlier had all run back, a few of them women panting heavily from running, their faces full of sweat.

"I see," Qin Jiagui said, thinking quickly. "The screams they sent out earlier weren't because they encountered a monster attack, but because they saw the monster corpses or the bodies of those who were killed by monsters, right?"