Chapter 125: Strange - The Evolution that was Prevented?

"This giant foot suddenly appeared; it couldn't be trying to prevent them from progressing... or perhaps, is it trying to prevent us from helping them? No no, such an absurd thing wouldn't happen, all of this must be a coincidence."

Qin Jiagui quickly dismissed this terrifying thought. He glanced around and saw that Yuan Niping, Su Yun, Liu Zheng and the others all had pale faces and blue lips—they were greatly frightened. Zhao Shichang was loudly explaining what had just happened with the giant foot. They were the quickest to calm down as this was the third time they had seen the giant foot.

"It seems that in this damned place, we not only have to be cautious of monsters, but also pay attention to this giant foot... It might step on us at any moment. Unfortunately, these Goblins were squashed into paste. We were fortunate this time, with no casualties," said Qin Jiagui to Su Yu, managing a bitter smile.