Chapter 141: The New Beast 666

Li Dong coldly watched Wang Xiang, he wasn't stupid. He wouldn't be fooled by a few smooth-talking words. His right hand surged with special power, ready to kill Wang Xiang at any signs of unusual behaviour.

Wang Xiang kept a flattering smile on his face, showing no sign of dissatisfaction or hatred.

Mao Mingzhu's eyes were wide, staring at Wang Xiang, hardly believing her own eyes. Previously struggling, she was punched hard in the stomach by Zhou Huakang, instantly causing excruciating pain, drastically weakening her resistance.

Zhou Huakang quickly ripped off Mao Mingzhu's clothes, tightly binding her hands with strips of fabric and gagging her mouth with a wad of cloth.

Wang Xiang's behaviour coupled with the punch to her stomach had weakened Mao Mingzhu's will to resist both mentally and physically to such degree that her struggle against Zhou Huakang was not intense.