Chapter 142: Terror Hospital

"Ahhhh--" Suddenly, a particularly harrowing scream tore through the distant hospital. The source of the cry was none other than Zhou Huakang.

Su Yu and others felt a chill in their hearts. From afar, they could hear Li Dong's wailing: "Help! Save me--"

"I'll go check it out--" Su Yu furrowed his brows and, with a flash, began sprinting towards the hospital building.

Su Yun called out, "Be careful!"

Su Yu waved his hand reassuringly towards her, indicating she didn't need to worry.

Caught off guard by the commotion, Qin Jiagui and Yuan Niping quickly rushed over. "What's going on?" they questioned Su Yun and Huo Shan.

Su Yun replied, "There seems to be a problem over there. Su Yu rushed to the scene."

Qin Jiagui's brow furrowed as he suddenly raised his voice, shouting, "Everyone, anyone who can hear my voice, come to the parking lot and gather here--"