Chapter 185: Su Yu's Calculation

This opportunity was deliberately created by Su Yu. He intentionally stepped forward alone, in seeming recklessness. To these domineering opponents, such audacity was unacceptable. Three of them immediately left their ranks to confront him. Facing a Fourth Order like him, they had already taken him lightly. His weak-looking attack on the crystal stone had deepened their contempt and disdain.

Su Yu had calculated everything for this moment. As the three of them went to attack him, he acted even quicker. His waist and legs were already filled with power which burst out in an instant. With a swift "whoosh" sound in the air, Su Yu darted forward, his speed leaving afterimages in the air.

Then, he collided with a man about twenty-four or twenty-five years old, who was attacking him with beast-like claws.