Chapter 185: Su Yu's Calculation_2

Engaging in a confrontation over not-so-valuable energy stones, against a power that could possibly wipe them all out, was an unwise move. Naturally, their opponent was banking on Meng Ting and her group willingly backing down, hence the show of force.

However, the tides turned unexpectedly with Su Yu's sudden attack, coupled with Xu Ruyun's strike. They managed to defeat two Fourth Order soldiers in a split second. Su Yu displayed a power that allowed him to slay the Fourth Order as if slaughtering dogs. Caught off guard, Meng Ting had an illusory moment, almost thinking Su Yu was on Level Five. They didn't have the "Perception Eye" ability, and hence didn't know Su Yu's real power. When she saw Su Yu's might for the first time, it gave her an illusion.