Chapter 253: Mission Change (2nd Update)

"I see. So, what's the plan, esteemed Administrator?"

"Once the three of you get there, all you need to do is trap Xingyu. I want him to witness the agony of losing a loved one." A strange smile appeared on the face of the white-robed man.

The three Golden People looked at each other, then stepped back into the spatial fissure as a group and disappeared.

"Administrator, are you planning to intervene in this matter personally? This goes against our duties—even you shouldn't be doing that." Once the three Golden People vanished, the white-robed woman looked at the white-robed man, her expression growing stern.

"Our position is always neutral. Surely, Administrator, you haven't forgotten that?"

"Of course, I know. But I didn't say I'm going to interfere in this battle personally, did I? You're thinking too much, Beth Finley's Guardian." The white-robed man laughed, then suddenly started waving his hands, a soft chirping following his movement.