Chapter 254: The Fall of the Giant Ship (Third update, asking for monthly pass)

From below, Xingyu watched, his face slightly changing. He immediately soared upward, his right fist swinging towards the three people in the sky.

"Annihilation—" Xingyu roared, causing the void to tremble. A beam of light erupted, clashing hard against the Golden Triangle.

The Golden Triangle pulsated, these three Golden People each occupied one corner, their hands joined. Their Golden Cores emitted thousands of rays of light, causing the Golden Triangle to grow larger. Very soon, it threatened to envelop Xingyu and the Dark Giant Ship below.

The "Annihilation" strike, with its shocking power, could not eradicate this Golden Triangle. Xingyu felt the space around him solidify, his movements restricted. If this Golden Triangle covered them, even if he could withstand it, Xiao Nan and Su Yu on the Dark Giant Ship would not be able to resist this terrifying energy.