Chapter 287: The Power of Rules (3rd update, asking for monthly tickets)

Zhang Zhongmou and Zhao Shichang used their swords to select some thin, long tree trunks. Once shaved, they served as bamboo poles, with two associated with each raft.

Eleven people proceeded to board the two large wooden rafts. With a push from the wooden poles against the water, the rafts began to elegantly paddle towards the Newbie Sinkhole Forest on the opposite bank.

For safety, Qin Jiagui had purposely built the two large rafts so large that they appeared steady and hardly wobbled while floating on the water. Standing on one, Su Yu looked at the rapidly approaching dense forest on the opposite bank, a sense of sentiment welling up within.

They started their journey out of the forest, and now, Freedom Village has also taken a considerable scale. Finally, they've got another chance to return to the forest, and their feelings and perceptions, are completely different.