Chapter 287: Power of Rules (Third update, asking for monthly tickets)_2

Upon saying this, Ruan Minghong's face revealed a trace of desolation. The other people around couldn't help but wear a grave look upon hearing this. Su Yu hurriedly apologized, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to remind you of those unhappy memories."

Shaking her head, Ruan Minghong responded softly, "It''s okay. My heart... has long been numb. I'm still alive, but it's just out of instinct now..." She chuckled bitterly, "I joined Wangdi Village, relying on Wang Di's power and reputation to harass the weak. Maybe...bullying the weak is the only thing that brings me any joy. Otherwise, I would be swallowed up by the horrendous feeling of loneliness... I a bad person?"