Chapter 301: Five Life Nests (4th update)

"Lin...Lin Shi, don't be like this, why...why are you crying?" The young man with slightly slack facial skin hurried over to support Lin Shi.

As Su Yu and the others walked out of the school and heard the heart-wrenching cries and saw the three figures under the big tree, they too were shocked to their core.

They had heard from Gu Lingshuang that the five surviving people were her, Lin Xiaolu, Lin Shi, Meng Bo, and another student named Ren Honglin.

Now that Lin Xiaolu was dead, besides Gu Lingshuang, the other two men and one woman included their former counselor, Meng Bo, and the one-armed man was Lin Shi. The other, a man with slightly sagging facial skin, was Ren Honglin, a second-year in college.

"Lin Shi--"

"Mr. Meng--"