Chapter 302: The Stirring of Evil, The Power of Rules Shields (Fifth update)

Su Yu explained the functions of Ada and the Category 5 Lifeforms. Finally, Lin Shi, Meng Bo, Gu Lingshuang, and Ren Honglin understood and successively formed contracts with Ada, becoming new Bond Life Summoners. Although Ada could not help them replenish their lost life energy, it could at least temporarily prevent their life energy from further accelerating its loss. They would no longer have to worry about quickly aging to death in this world.

The group stayed at the school, discussing their future plans. Ma Ziye advocated for immediately returning to Freedom Village and slowly planning their revenge to ensure its steadiness. However, Lin Shi, Meng Bo, and the others had a simple idea—they must destroy the five life nests. If they did not deliver a heavy blow to their enemy, they were unwilling to leave the forest. Even if Su Yu and the others did not want to help, they would do it themselves, at the cost of their lives if necessary.