Chapter 320: Four Strong Men of Black and White City (4th update, total 14,000 updates, asking for monthly tickets)

Su Yu noticed that the Life Nest seemed pretty normal, which actually relieved him. He would much rather face more than fifty Black and White Warriors than experience the evil and terrifying unknown power within the Life Nest again.

"Shall we rush in directly?" Zhang Zhongmou approached Su Yu and asked softly.

They only had seven people here while there were dozens of Black and White Warriors in the distance. The situation was dangerous. If they were surrounded by these warriors, Su Yu might be okay, but the rest would struggle to resist.

Assessing the situation, Su Yu whispered, "Luckily they haven't noticed us, and there's no guard." He beckoned Lin Shi over and whispered a few instructions. He asked Ada to quietly notify Diudi to stay here, then the seven of them quietly approached. When they were about thirty meters from the nearest hut, Su Yu signaled, and everyone squatted down. At the same time, Lin Shi raised his mutated right hand.

"Dada, dada, dada, dada–"