Chapter 320: Four Strong Men of Black and White City (4th update, total 14,000 updates, asking for monthly tickets)_2

Having shattered the resilience here, Ada let out a pitched howl. Dio Dio, the wolfdog, upon hearing the call, immediately sprung forward, sticking his tongue out. Then, he vigorously shook his body, and thousands of droplets of rain scattered around, inciting a round of cursing from Zhang Zhongmou.

"Such weak defences here, damn it, they're all Fourth Order warriors," Zhang Zhongmou wiped his face, realizing the problem at hand.

After contemplating, Su Yu said, "Perhaps they had some urgent matter and had to leave. We should immediately enter the Fire Elemental Space to find the Energy Stone."

Everyone nodded, and together with Dio Dio, they were led by Ada, who called upon the power of "Sky Abyss" to enter the first layer of Fire Elemental Space.