Chapter 321: Boundary Scroll

Shi Lie furrowed his brows: "A Sixth-order? With such immense power? Capable of destroying four 'Life Nests'? Si Li and the others could not stop him?"

"I think they're probably all dead," said Jiaxuan nonchalantly. His pale face was completely devoid of color. He continued indifferently: "You all leave, prepare to welcome our esteemed guest. I really want to meet this mysterious Sixth Order warrior."

Shi Lie nodded and took a step back. Then, with a resounding roar, hundreds of Fourth Order warriors gathered together. Together with three Level Five warriors, and newly arrived Shi Lie and Jiaxuan included, there were five Sixth-order powerhouses, totaling six in number. This formidable force was simply terrifying—stronger than even an entire town.