Chapter 413: The Realm of Nirvana (Third Update)_2

For these people, "Black Iron City" was already the most powerful entity they could know in this world. And now, Su Yu had ascended to the pinnacle of their world.

"Su Yu, feeling better?" Ada asked with a smile after they had left "Peach Blossom Town."

Thinking about his recent ordeal, Su Yu gave a bitter smirk. Part of him found it amusing while another part of him was still in a sour state, sulking behind him. His bliss had been short-lived, interrupted by Su Yu's rudeness. Was this bastard oblivious to the fact that interrupting him at such a crucial time could potentially result in impotence? Such a beast.

Most frustrating of all was that Ada was now ignoring him.

Leaving "Peach Blossom Town," Su Yu headed north, passing several villages on his journey. Many had suffered apparent damage, probably remnants from the previous beast tide. But before he realized it, he came upon "Freedom Village" by following the path north from "Peach Blossom Town."