Chapter 413: The Realm of Nirvana (Third Update)

At this moment, Su Yu remembered to look for Doudou, but turned around and found it missing. Suddenly, a loud bark echoed from the other side. Su Yu looked up to see Doudou chasing another snow white dog that seemed incredibly attractive—so much so that it frightened her into fleeing relentlessly. But she was no match for Doudou's speed. With a swift leap, Doudou caught up to her, pushing her down to the ground. Now, right in the middle of the crowded hall, it was panting heavily, unmistakably up to something.

Surprised, Su Yu paused for a moment, but Ada had already started cursing, "This damn dog, it's so indecent—"

Also taken aback, Su Yu exclaimed, "You naughty Doudou!" Just as he was about to rush over, he heard someone loudly berating, "Get off, you filthy dog, what on earth are you doing?" A pretty girl, face flushed red with outrage, was approaching Doudou with a stout stick in her hand, which she used to beat Doudou furiously.