Chapter 464: Summoning Existence From Outside The World (3rd Update)_3

Upon saying this, she finally made up her mind. She placed the phoenix hairpin in front of her, then bit the tip of her tongue, spitting a mouthful of fresh blood onto the phoenix hairpin. As soon as the blood touched the hairpin, it started to sizzle instantly. Soon, a huge amount of green smoke began rising from it. Within the phoenix hairpin, a faint, eerie humming noise sounded. The green smoke billowed all at once, suddenly shooting up high, quickly reaching beyond the ancient hall...

The woman in white nervously watched the hairpin. Even for her, this situation was a first. It was her first time using the phoenix hairpin to summon a being that had already left this world.

With the sizzling noise, the phoenix hairpin on the ground started to move slightly. Soon, under an indescribable force, it slowly stood upright. The green smoke on it fluctuated ceaselessly and gradually, it seemed to reveal the image of a person.

"Is it...Mingli...?"