Chapter 465: Reborn (4th Update)

At the top of the "Demonic Forest" hill, beside the Heavenly Pond, Su Yu, Ada, Lei Leian, the wooden man, and the little girl Feng'er all stood to one side. The wooden man had a dog tail grass in his mouth and was walking back and forth boredly by the Heavenly Pond, trying to tease Feng'er. Unfortunately, she ignored him completely, standing silently and watching Su Yu.

After being hurt by the villagers, Su Yu was the first person to show her such kindness. Being as pure as a blank page, Su Yu was her only hope at the moment. She never wanted to be abandoned or hurt by anyone again.

Su Yu sat in a meditative posture by the pond, watching the "Tears of Timis" gush from the misty cloud overhead and then flow into the pond, unchanging since ancient times.

Even though Su Yu appeared to be watching everything in front of him, he was actually focusing inward, examining his own body.