Chapter 474: The Guardian Deity of the Great City (4th update)

(The update of ten thousand words today has been completed. The next one will be an additional ten thousand words updated in three parts when the monthly tickets reach 100.)

Soft lights began to emanate, then a beautifully dressed Lei Leian, the City Lord of 'Fire Hell Main City' who was clad in a fiery red robe, Lance, and a middle-aged woman named Feng Ming dressed in blue, the City Lord of 'Ocean Main City', appeared in succession. Seeing how they showed up simultaneously in an instant, they were seemingly aware of the situation 'Skeleton Ice City' was involved in; therefore, they immediately responded at the call for help from Skeleton Ice City.

The appearance of the three main City Lords made the crown-wearing woman narrow her eyes. Looking at the three before her, she shook her head and said, "No, even with the three of you, it still won't be enough."