Chapter 475 The Immortal Eight-legged God (5th update)

"In the legend, the Eskimos built their own cities above the ocean. Not counting among the Ten Great Giant Cities, yet surpassing them, in that era, even the Ten Great Giant Cities did not dare provoke them. However, they later provoked the Netherworld Clan from the Netherworld, initiating a war that lasted a hundred days, ending with mutual crippling defeats..." Ada looked at the raging waves before her, recalling long-forgotten information. Suddenly, horrible demonic howls rose from the depths of the sea. The howls shook the air and even caused the entire Ice City to tremble.

"Oh no, the Demons are attacking our Ice City—" someone shrieked in the Ice City. The Crowned Lady sharply commanded: "Everyone, step back—" Raising her scepter and chanting, Su Yu knew she was summoning the Ice Giant while he retreating with the little girl, Feng'er.