Chapter Forty: The Three Titans of Industry

"Brother, help me." The little boy begged Tang Luo tearfully. He really didn't want to be beaten by Tang Zhen anymore.

Though he had practiced martial arts since childhood, he had never been beaten by anyone before.

As for why their afternoon team of three couldn't defeat Tang Zhen and the other two girls, the little boy naturally concluded it was because Tang Zheng wasn't as strong as his own brother. If it were his brother, he wouldn't have any problem fighting three alone.

Young boys always have blind confidence in their loved ones, and it's the same for martial artists.

"I can't help you." Tang Luo rejected the little boy without hesitation.

"Why!" Disappointment filled the boy's eyes. He couldn't believe his brother would stand by at such a critical moment. For the first time, his childish heart felt its faith in brotherhood being tested.

Ignoring the heartbroken look, Tang Luo calmly said, "But I do have a three-step plan for you."