Chapter Fifty: Resolutely (Asking for recommendation votes~)

"So where is the Marshal Star hidden?" Tang Luo asked, his curiosity piqued as he stared at the bloodied man whose body was fully exposed but still showed no sign of the star.

Fang Han, covered in blood, spat a mouthful of bloody saliva at Tang Luo in defiance.

Tang Luo sidestepped Fang Han's attack, "Still hoping to turn the tables, despite your current state?"

Fang Han sneered contemptuously, his eyes filled with determination.

How could he tell Tang Luo the location of the Marshal Star? If he didn't surrender the star, he wouldn't be killed. But if he did disclose its location, his death would be certain.

How could one stand against the behemoth Tang Clan without being fully prepared?

The Marshal Star was his safeguard when his plan was exposed, the assurance of his survival.

"So, you refuse to talk," Tang Luo returned to his seat next to Fang Han, noticing that the latter seemed to have given up on attacking again.