Chapter Fifty-Two: Deceiver

The words of Tang Luo struck Xu Shuhui like a bolt of lightning. The relationship between clan members and their family servants should be the closest, yet it came as a shock that the youngster named Fang Han could cause such harm to Tang Luo, causing him to no longer want any family servants.

Looking at her eldest son's dispirited demeanor as he ate, Xu Shuhui was greatly worried. She felt that the bastard, Fang Han, deserved to be cut a thousand times over for hurting the heart of her precious son.

"Come, eat more," she could only keep adding food to Tang Luo's plate.

The kindness of family always served as a warm comfort. However, truth be told, Tang Luo's low spirits weren't largely connected to his relationship with Fang Han.

It was due to some very realistic problems.

After their final battle, only five points of the 155 spiritual powers Tang Luo had accumulated remained, and due to the death of Fang Han, his daily income of spiritual power decreased by 2.1.