Chapter Sixty-Three: The Person Who Shouldn't Have Appeared

The Tang Clan's annual meeting is the most crucial celebration of the year for the clan. The ancestral hall, which can accommodate twenty thousand people, has been transformed into a banquet hall. In the center, a two-meter-high platform was erected, giving a full view of the venue.

Behind the platform are nine extraordinarily luxurious round tables, which are the seats of honor at the meeting. They belong to the clan leader, the First Head of the Battle Hall, the head of the clan, and the elders.

Further back, round tables are neatly arranged throughout the hall, with eight seats per table, totaling two thousand tables.

The arrival of Tang Sen and his family was not early. By the time they entered the hall, it was already bustling with people. Most of the clan members had been sitting for a while, immersed in lively chatter.

With the arrival of Tang Sen's family, all the clan members, except those at the main table, stood up to show their respect.