Chapter Seventy-Two: Rules (Give some recommendations~ Let me know there are friends reading~~)

These two tornadoes that suddenly appeared not only frightened Tang Guangyu, but also left the elders watching the battle from the Secret Arts Pavilion in a daze.

Hadn't the martial arts performance already ended?

As their main work was research, they had never expected anyone to take action after the performance ended. This was against the rules.

This was when the disadvantage of their lack of combat experience showed up. Even the involved Tang Guangyu was taken aback, not to mention the others. However, the tornadoes were already nearly upon them.

Tang Guangyu had no choice but to infuse his spiritual power into his palms, attempting to break apart the two tornadoes.

It must be said that this choice was absolutely terrible. Not to mention that his defensive inner energy only had a sliver of power too weak to stop the tornadoes, what could the palm power he hastily gathered do to disperse these two powerful forces akin to vicious dragons?