Chapter Seventy-Eight: Mark of Struggle

The eighth of April is suitable for a burial, worshipping ancestors, and avoiding marriages, breaks, adoptions and forming alliances.

"Brother, why are you looking so drained?" The young kid was genuinely worried as he stared at Tang Luo, who had dark circles under his eyes.


With a poker face, Tang Luo slapped the kid upside the head, moving his light-obstructing head aside, "Go practice. These are the battle scars of fighting for our clan."

"Okay." The kid clutched his head, retreating into the training room with every third step he took.

Only after hitting the young kid did Tang Luo finally feel a good sense of satisfaction. Since the day he delegated martial arts responsibilities, he hadn't had a good day's sleep.

"What you guys are doing is inhumane by making us work overtime." Tang Luo had pointed out the unhealthy work conditions in the Secret Arts Pavilion several times, but they turned a deaf ear to him.