Chapter Eighty-Five: Gold

"Steward Fan." Tang Luo called out to Fan Qing.

"The half-million gold Tu Tong brought should be just right to redeem Su Mei. Arrange for that."

Tang Luo didn't plan to take back the money, intending to help Tu Tong fulfill his last wish.

Tu Tong's parents died in a natural disaster years ago, leaving him alone with no relatives or friends. As a martial artist at the peak of Breaking Through Mortality, his death was unattended, with no one to carry his coffin or mourn over his spirit. His only hope was that after redeeming Su Mei, she could hold a funeral ceremony for him as his wife.

Upon hearing Tang Luo's words, Fan Qing felt bitter.

As the Clan Elder had ordered the redemption of Su Mei, Tianxiang Building had to comply, but there were some matters he had to clarify: "The Clan Elder's order must be followed by Tianxiang Building. But the bag Tu Tong brought is not with us, it was taken away by Lord Shen's servant Zhang Xinghe."