Chapter 101: Competitiveness

Mi Clan Emergency Assembly

Compared to the Tang Clan, power is more concentrated in the Mi Clan, making their assembly much smaller.

The current clan leader of the Mi Clan is Mi Jin, who administers the clan's law and takes charge of financial and domestic affairs.

First Head of the Martial Hall, Mi Hai, commands the clan's martial strength.

Clan Sect Head Mi Hu dominates the division of the sects.

Together with twelve elder clansmen, these fifteen people make up the power center of the Mi Clan.

As the old challengers to the Tang Clan, Tang Ming may think that his grain-collecting action is particularly secretive and difficult to detect, but to the intelligence channels of the Mi Clan, it stands out like a bright moon in the dark night.

Initially, the Mi Clan only assumed that the collection of grain was merely a preparation for the Wancheng Treasure Ship to set sail as soon as possible, but they didn't expect that once the Tang Clan started collecting, they couldn't stop.