One hundred and six pictures: Impeachment (Happy birthday, Anshengzz!)

"Where did you hear this news?" Tang Ming was shocked.

The Han River is another massive tributary of the Longjiang, but it is ten thousand miles away from the Lingjiang. How did Tang Cunfu know about the situation so far away?

"My wife's maiden family is the Xue Clan from Chengzhou. A few days ago, we received a secret letter. Thirty days of continual heavy rain in July overwhelmed the Han River. Chengzhou suffered a flood that only comes once in a century, turning eight hundred li of fertile fields into a marshland. Winter is coming, and they plan to send a group of people to Xiling to seek refuge with me." Tang Cunfu stated confidently.

Having received this news, it was as if he had already foreseen Tang Zhi's plans. The food that can be carried in four Wancheng Treasure Ships could feed so many people. Taking this ship of food to Chengzhou, he wondered how many slaves and warriors it could be exchanged for.