Chapter One Hundred Fifty-Seven: Kill Without Mercy

Upon hearing Li Shao Yuan's words, Qiu Jinglong was taken aback. He had only thought of arresting them, not killing outright, and his face was filled with horror.

Li Shao Yuan, upon seeing Qiu Jinglong's reaction, frowned and said, "Gong Zheng is a ruffian. He must not be linked with young master Mi Hou, do you understand?"

Running this manor was exhausting, specifically because no scholarly stewards were willing to join Mi Hou. Even those who did were all opportunistic, untrustworthy individuals. As such, they could not be entrusted with important tasks.

The ones who were loyal to Mi Hou were mostly reckless warriors like Qiu Jinglong and Huai Chenghua. They were good in a fight, but were inadequate when it came to managing affairs. Otherwise, he would have already sent someone to get rid of Gong Zheng and let the two brothers take over the Righteous Gang's business.