Chapter 167: Seeking Help

Southern Noble Manor

"Young Master Mi Hou has arrived~~~" With the doorman's announcement, Mi Hou rushed into the Noble Manor, heading straight to the council room and throwing himself at Mi Shen's desk.

"Brother! You must help me this time."

Engrossed in his work, Mi Shen did not look up. He finished the task at hand leisurely before finally raising his head to look at the humiliated face of Mi Hou.

"What's the matter?" Mi Shen asked calmly, a trace of mockery flickering in his eyes that shone like stars.

"Brother!" Before Mi Shen, there was no trace of his tyranny back at the Mi Manor, only the pleading of a younger brother to his elder. "Tang Luo slaughtered all the warriors I painstakingly gathered and even captured my servant!"

Did Tang Luo actually capture Li Shao Yuan? Is he afraid the incident outside of the Fox Immortal Temple would be exposed?