Chapter 171: Hostage Exchange

Twenty-ninth day of the first lunar month

Just as old Xu won returned from the Tianxiang building, intending to wake up Tang Luo, the young man who should have been asleep in bed, pushed the door open and walked out.

"You're up so early today!" delightfully called old Xu win.

"I didn't sleep." Tang Luo replied with annoyance. After hearing about the combatants with bloodline and Tang Sen, the First Head of the Martial Hall, he had been up all night.

"Why didn't you sleep?"

"Why bother lingering on sleep while living, for one will sleep for eternity after death." Tang Luo couldn't admit that he was stirred up but had to answer this way.

After learning about the enhancement of fighting power resulting from the awakening of the bloodline, he only felt an immense pressure. Fighters with bloodline like Tang Sen couldn't be measured by the ordinary realm. In the future, who could guarantee that he wouldn't encounter several such freaky fighters? What would he do then?