Chapter Two Hundred: Status

Xiao Clan Land

If there's something most difficult to hold in this world, it would probably be the second place.

Because people always remember the story of the champion, and the runner-up, though excellent, is always forgotten.

What's even more difficult than the second place is when there are two first place holders.

Difficult hardly describes this situation; it should be considered Herculean.

Whenever there are two powers clashing, they might end up shaking hands in the end, while the helpless runner-up simply disappears.

The Xiao Clan doesn't want to be the disappearing runner-up, thus they strived harder. If compared to the other clans, the Tang-Mi duo was of no use to others in Xiling, but to the Xiao Clan, they were the ones who the Tang and the Mi Clans had been eyeing.

However, the cunning Xiao Clan always stayed neutral, rooted in the east of Xiling, with talents in every generation.