Two Hundred and Eight: Angry

Since the three had agreed to go to Red Cloud Mountain tomorrow for an outing, Tang Luo dragged Xu off, much to the annoyance of the very honorable young master.

"What's going on, didn't we agree to hang out with old Bai today, why are you dragging me off!?"

"Brother, considering your infamous reputation in Xiling, if you linger around Old Bai's stall too long, it might get overturned, you know?"

They had been there for just a short while, and already quite a number of passersby were casting puzzled and fearful looks in their direction. In today's Xiling, fewer people recognize him than the prodigal son of a respected household.

After all, recognizing such a striking figure with those mysteries peach blossom eyes is an easy task, especially when these characteristics are found together in one person.

"Let them dare!" Xu indignantly answered, "I'll go back now, let's see who dares to lay a hand."