Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty Three: Auction (6)

The sudden raise to three million gold for the floor price silenced the auction hall, as people instinctively turned their heads towards the gentleman from Xiling who had just arrived in the southwestern corner.

Ji Fu was clad in a black short tunic, sitting independent and composed, looking at the purple sandalwood box on the auction stage, as if urging Xiao Zheng to strike the hammer down.

On the stage, Xiao Zheng stared at his friend's sudden bid in surprise. He realized that the gem in his hand might be a treasure.

For Xiao Zheng, the greatest gain from this journey wasn't the rare treasures he'd gathered from various regions but meeting Ji Fu in Beimang by sheer coincidence.

The Ji Clan's ferocity was brought to its full display in the war-ravaged land of Beimang, yet even the powerful Ji Clan faced the dilemma of shortage of food and clothing in such a harsh environment.