Chapter 241: Indestructible Soldier Edge VS Supreme Sword Intent of All Heavens (2)

The result of the spiritual weapon colliding with the spiritual sword did not meet Ji Fu's expectations, but it nevertheless forced him to acknowledge the brilliance of the Xu Clan's ancestor's tactics.

Converting spiritual energy into the shape of a sword, no matter how solid it is due to condensation of spiritual power, could never win over a hammer-shaped spiritual weapon during a collision.

Yet, the Xu Clan remarkably chose a different path, discarding their obsession with the manifestation of the spirit form, and instead focusing on the damage caused by the fragmentation of the spiritual form; truly a sight to behold.

In this world, it is common knowledge that Spirit Arts are the strongest when the spiritual form is intact, and the moment it breaks, the spiritual energy contained within would leak out, reducing its power significantly.