Chapter 252: Ji Fu's Counterattack

"Madman, you say?" Tang Luo chuckled, perhaps so.

He returned earlier than Ji Fu intentionally, to discuss with the family's leading elders. Because what he was about to do didn't concern just one or two people—it was about the survival of the entire Tang Family.

However, before he needed to find them, the man at the entrance, Chang Fu, informed him that the Clan Leader, the Principal Security Officer, the Mountain Lord, and the Second Elder, representing the full authority of the group of elders, had all been waiting for him for quite some time

They entrusted the proof of their absolute authority to Tang Luo. He was dumbfounded as he accepted their nameplates.

No one knew the psychological strength one required to entrust the survival of a clan to a youngster, but the leaders of the Tang Clan had done just that.