Chapter 278: You didn't expect that I, who don't have drafts, could still update normally on New Year's Eve, did you?

Practise grounds were neatly set with humanoid figures. Those in the south were entirely made of cast iron, while those in the north were made of bronze. Tang Luo, bare-chested, moved among these figures, constantly swinging his palms with a muffled "thud-thud-thud" sound.

With each palm strike, a statue would be sent flying, crashing onto the ground or against the mountains. The area under his palm left a vague palm print.

After all the stone statues had been replaced with cast-iron figures and bronze figures, Tang Luo no longer needed to worry about breaking them with a single palm strike. He could finally practice his strength to the fullest. Although he would send the statues flying, he could pick them up and continue using them, which made him very happy.